Isabel Lee Isabel Lee

Pesky Procrastination

I'm sure all we millennials and Gen Zs are some degree of master procrastinators. It's usually a war between "the two week cycle I give myself is up and another post is due" and "but no one will notice if I miss a few days...". You get the point.

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Isabel Lee Isabel Lee

The Best Investment To Make In Your 20s

I've been starting to learn a little about investing, thanks to my interest in finance and personal development. I guess the vibes from working in an agency that services clients from the financial industry has also rubbed off me. Actually, I've always wanted to start investing in university. Okay by 'always' I mean only since two years ago thereabouts.

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Isabel Lee Isabel Lee

Creating 2022

Was pondering if I should write a new year post, but I didn't want it to be the usual cringe-y "goodbye 2021, hello 2022" kinda thing. Still though, it's fitting that I pen down some thoughts going into the new year so that, well, you guys can be kept updated and also keep me accountable.

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journal Isabel Lee journal Isabel Lee


Slowing down is one thing, but choosing to stay is another. I've been thinking about how to savour every moment and make everlasting memories. And it seems that the answer is to linger. To abide, immerse, feel. To wait. Stay.

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life Isabel Lee life Isabel Lee

Let this not be the coldest winter yet

It's crazy how it's December and I haven't spoken to anyone other than my classmates this latter half of the year. Okay I exaggerate, but I guess life has just been quiet. Not bad in any way, just quiet, silent, insert another adjective, you get the point.

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books Isabel Lee books Isabel Lee

Review: Unstoppable

Pete Wilkinson is, in his words, an 'ultra endurance triathlete' who somehow has time for his family, his business and training for his 6726938th race (okay, I exaggerate, but you get the point). He frames this publication like a workbook, giving readers his 1-3-5 approach to taking action and smash personal goals.

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