Review: Unstoppable

I read this one a good month ago, so I’ll admit that I kinda forgot what I wanted to say about this book… but that’s alright, I’m sure I’ll jot my memory as I write this.

Pete Wilkinson is, in his words, an 'ultra endurance triathlete' who somehow has time for his family, his business and training for his 6726938th race (okay, I exaggerate, but you get the point). He frames this publication like a workbook, giving readers his 1-3-5 approach to taking action and smash personal goals.

1 Vision

3 Core Objectives

5 Goals (for each Core Objective)

I think it’s useful if you’re the kinda person who needs to write things down to be able to visualise your goals. But even for me where I’m okay where I mostly write to reflect, it’s a great way to break complex tasks down and begin with the end in mind.

As you can already tell, the author is no less than a hustler and that voice is very prominent throughout the book. But what he says are definitely good reminders, aiming to push his readers to not settle for anything less than what their potential can achieve. And I appreciate that. I believe such an attitude is what brings us closer to what we want to achieve, step by step, day by day.

However, although action is an essential ingredient in life, note that business is not equal to busyness. You can run your business very well without the need to be busy 24/7. It’s not healthy, and over time burning out will be inevitable. I think this is a poignant statement that hustlers and even normal laid back workers alike need to bear in mind. It’s the same as how doing things isn’t equal to being productive.

The latter half of the book is spent going through some productivity tips and advice. I’m glad he included this part, or else I would have found the book a tad dry. Wilkinson aptly says that self discipline is doing what you need to do sometimes with emotion out of the equation. It’s so true, cos to be a leader I have to first lead myself no matter the situation I am in.

Above all, my main takeaway is to sharpen my mind, so that at any  critical moment of decision, I will always be ready to choose the best for myself, and for those around me.


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