life Isabel Lee life Isabel Lee

7 weeks of school

We’re on the cusp of recess week now and it’s pretty insane how it’s already been seven weeks of school; I genuinely feel like we just started. Honestly, I’m just here writing this to count my blessings of being able to be in school and in the company of my friends.

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Isabel Lee Isabel Lee


If you’re unfamiliar, adulting means, well, to adult. To grow up, and more specifically learn the life skills that are expected of adults, like learning to pay bills, how to apply for a flat, navigating the working world and so on. I first heard of this word from my older friends in church, and I guess especially in recent times, I have been engaging with this topic quite a bit.

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Isabel Lee Isabel Lee

Review: Off The Clock

Laura Vanderkam writes that fundamentally, time is both precious AND plentiful. Yes, read that again. Despite everything we are told and the hectic world we live in, time is enough, in fact more than enough for us to use and enjoy.

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Isabel Lee Isabel Lee


We’ve all looked at celebrities, athletes and influencers and wondered if their personal lives are any different from the image they portray in public. And while these may be extreme examples, I think many of us have thought about our own lives and how there are many facets of ourselves and how we choose the things we show to the world. Well, at least I have.

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Isabel Lee Isabel Lee

Can "Callings" be Changed?

Seasons change as we grow up. That’s just a fact, and over the years I realised it does me way better to embrace the ebbs and flows, and the highs and lows.

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Isabel Lee Isabel Lee

Throw out your work-life balance.

Growing up in this 'adulting' journey, I’ve been hearing people older than me grumble and complain about the demands or work, and for some even school. And it just makes me kinda sad to hear. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t wanna invalidate these feelings cos yes I totally get that the hustle isn’t easy at all.

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Isabel Lee Isabel Lee

Summertime madness

So I’m left with two weeks of summer break. Certainly bittersweet to say the least; there are many uncertainties heading back to school in this heightened alert situation but at the same time I can’t wait to see my friends and be productive again.

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Isabel Lee Isabel Lee

"Mind Set Free": Lessons from CMHC 2021

Some thoughts from Singapore’s first christian mental health conference last week. It was powerful knowing that a thousand other hearts were all similarly fighting to open conversations on soul care in the church and ultimately see mental heath restored in this land.

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books Isabel Lee books Isabel Lee

Review: The Spark and the Grind

This was one book I knew I’d love even before I started on it. It wasn’t something on my book list at all, but rather it caught my eye while I was browsing through the shelves in the library. "The Spark and the Grind". Two very contrasting words, yet they lit a fire in me to immediately devour its contents.

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