Let this not be the coldest winter yet

First off, hello again :) Like for real, from the bottom of my heart. I've been on full online learning the last two months or so and I don't get to interact with people that much, so I'd take any platform and opportunity I'd get to connect with my friends/you guys.

Anyway, school's out. To everyone who has been part of my sem, I'm thankful for you. I took four history modules, nothing more and nothing less. Prob isn't a good idea to do this load again but it was still manageable. Juggled my part time remote job at the same time and the whole journey has been fulfilling so far. Learning a lot, and enjoying every little moment I get.

It's crazy how it's December and I haven't spoken to anyone other than my classmates this latter half of the year. Okay I exaggerate, but I guess life has just been quiet. Not bad in any way, just quiet, silent, insert another adjective, you get the point. So uneventful that I'm actually sick of staying in hall cos it's just so boring. Never ever expected myself to say this but I do prefer staying at home as of now.

We selected our modules for the next semester earlier today, and thankfully I got all the history mods I wanted. My friends did too, and everyone's happy. With only three more sems to go before we're done, it's quite mind-blowing to strike off the modules on our planner and watch the number dwindle. Each day is a reminder to treasure these precious times as students, and as young people.

I'll be busy with club activities this week, then I'll see what I need to do before the Christmas weekend. Top on my priority is of course clearing work, visit some friends, edit my end-of-year summary video and hopefully get another pair of running shoes. It's not a lot of time, this winter break. It'll be Jan 2022 in no time, then we do this school thing all over again.

Been cracking my head on how to properly enjoy this winter break as much as I can given the current state of the world. For now I'll take it week by week and we'll just see what I manage to fit into my schedule. 'Fruitful' has taken many different meanings these two years and I'm prepared to see its definition change according to the seasons. As long as I go back to school refreshed and with my heart full, that'll be a win.

Anyway, I have to admit I totally procrastinated writing this blog post for about a week. But yeah it's only a matter of time before I get back to writing cos I do want to stick to my goal of being disciplined with my creativity. Holidays are the peak time to either better yourself or waste away your time. It's up to you and me to use this time wisely.

And even though I'm blogging primarily for my own self-growth/reflection, I do hope to bring some value to you who read my posts. So, stay tuned I guess, I promise all my posts aren't just generic life updates haha.

Talk to you soon!


Doubt: A Friend or Foe?


Review: Unstoppable