The Best Investment To Make In Your 20s

It feels like it's been awhile I wrote in here, and January is ending. School and work have been fulfilling so far and I'm thankful that I feel that where I am in life right now is a place I wanna be.

Well, the hustle never ends and it's really up to be able to balance + give and take in the various areas of life. Super grateful I get to experience this in university, exploring things I never did before and being open to try new things.

I've been starting to learn a little about investing, thanks to my interest in finance and personal development. I guess the vibes from working in an agency that services clients from the financial industry has also rubbed off me.

Actually, I've always wanted to start investing in university. Okay by 'always' I mean only since two years ago thereabouts. Anyway, I knew that investing, especially as a beginner, has its risks and I didn't wanna get into anything I was unsure of.

I did dabble in learning here and there since last year, but up till now I haven't done any actionable steps. It's not because I'm lazy; in fact I really do wanna start ASAP. Thing is, I'm still not that confident and I figured I shouldn't rush into it.

The most important lesson I've learnt through these many months is that there are so many kinds of investments we can make in life. And I'm not just talking about the financial stuff.

One thing I made it a point to do well before I even think about doing anything with my money is investing in others.

To put it simply, this was a huge reminder to be present in the lives of my loved ones and honestly with anyone I have the privilege to meet. And it's not been limited to individuals— I've found organisations/causes to invest my time (and, well, money) into.

Be it giving my time or money, I've experienced how powerful it can be when I take action to have a stake in the things I believe in. That's why I'd highly recommend volunteering, or pledging an amount to an organisation you believe in. Your impact might be negligible, but trust me, it changes you slowly but surely.

And this brings me to my main point: the best investment you can make right now, is in yourself.

I'm really hoping this doesn't come across cliche, cos I really mean it what I say. Who else knows you better than yourself, and who else wants to fulfil your dreams and ambitions more than yourself?

Investing in yourself doesn't have to be difficult. It will look different for everyone. Some find joy in reading books, others attending online courses and others pick up new skills. For a start, find something that excites you, and commit to it.

Commit to the process. More than discovering something new, I'm certain you'll discover yourself even more.

I'm still very early in this journey of self-discovery and all that adulting stuff, but I'm glad I'm embracing this hustle at an early-ish age. I'll definitely be using this platform to share my thoughts as I go along. Hopefully you'll join me and we'll do a full send everyday together yea?

Sending positive vibes your way and blessed lunar new year to you and your fam!


Should I work for myself or others?


Creating 2022