Creating 2022

Blessed 2022 friends :)

Was pondering if I should write a new year post, but I didn't want it to be the usual cringe-y "goodbye 2021, hello 2022" kinda thing. Still though, it's fitting that I pen down some thoughts going into the new year so that, well, you guys can be kept updated and also keep me accountable.

The first half of 2021 was rather interesting; like life was still kinda normal-ish. Had many goofy moments, smiled and laughed a lot, like a young person should. Changed cell groups, which signalled that I really need to start adulting.

Second half, not so exciting. Not that it was horrible, but just really quiet and routine. The months kinda blurred together, made worse by online learning around the October period. I picked up running, which I'm thankful for— it gave and still gives me goals to work towards, and it's a rhythm I can fall back on.

Looking ahead, I wish I can say that I believe 2022 will be a "better" year. But I know that things in the world in general will only go downhill, with economic downturns, wars and rumours of wars, and increased tyranny/totalitarianism. Not being a pessimist, but this is just reality that we have to learn to anticipate and prepare for.

Even so, I still am going to strive to live my best life, as far as possible. We have to remember to count our blessings, and take each day as it comes. They are a gift from God, whose grace for us is more than sufficient to tide us through even the toughest of years.

2021 gave me time to explore, think, and reflect on what kinda of legacy I wanna build and leave behind. I dabbled in freelancing, a little vlogging, personal writing (this blog!), and more. And if 2022 is not the time to execute and take action, then I don't know when is.

I do wanna create something of my own... actually, a couple of things. I'm not even entirely sure yet at this stage, but the last year has opened my eyes to the possibilities and potential found in the online/digital spaces. Honestly I would rather get a corporate job when I graduate. But with such unpredictability of things coupled with the lure of trying something new, I know I have to really, for lack of a better word, YOLO.

Maybe I'll start a business, social enterprise, passive income streams... or all of them. Or, none of them. Who knows? The only certainty is that I will be on the lookout for opportunities and persistently finding ways to upgrade myself, my skillsets and mindset. And as for this blog, we'll see as we go along, but I definitely hope to increase readership and write consistently.

I hope I have your support on this journey, and together I believe we can create something beautiful.

Please do share with me what your plans for the year are too, if you wanna. Would love to cheer you on too :-)


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