
Slowing down is one thing, but choosing to stay is another.

Whenever I look back to the hectic semesters that passed, there's always this feeling of watching a rushing train zooming by. Honestly, it's precisely because I know that the days are long that the years are short that I told myself to pause often to enjoy the moments. Back in Year 2, I remember hearing my cell friends who were also in uni ranting about school work and how nearly everyday was a dread. I found this quite sad; after all, isn't university supposed to be the best time of our lives? The fun, friendship and freedom. Every moment is so precious.

Now, I know that not everyone's situation allows them to enjoy a relatively stable uni life. And I know that I am privileged to be able to say that I am not in any dire circumstances in school or at home. But as much as possible, I believe everyone can make the most of the days given to us. Anyway, let's get back before I digress further.

I've been thinking about how to savour every moment and make everlasting memories. And it seems that the answer is to linger. To abide, immerse, feel. To wait. Stay.

In this world of rushing from one commitment to the other, it's hard to press 'pause' in the middle of the day when we wanna rely on momentum to keep going, keep grinding. Nothing wrong with working hard; in fact I love love healthy hustling (another topic for another day).

Yet, slowing down and making that choice to be present takes a lot out of hustlers like ourselves. I like to think of it as a sort of investment of time— just that time is actually not wasted (as it might seem on the surface). Taking the time to smell the roses, both figuratively and literally, teaches me to savour the seconds instead of counting down the hours to the end of the school or work day.

The best memories I make are usually made when I allow myself to be fully aware of the sights, sounds and sensations of the many little moments that when added together, are etched deeply in my heart and mind.

But assuming it's a rough season, won't lingering simply prolong the 'suffering' though? Not necessarily, I feel. Even tough times can give us something to look back on and laugh about.

And honestly, just embrace the suck/suffering man. They make the pleasant times sweeter. Both the good times and bad won't happen in exactly the same way again, so technically each experience is once-in-a-lifetime.

It may be out of your comfort zone to take a pause and realign yourself. But as you learn to be comfortable in your own skin and sit with your thoughts, emotions and everything that's happening around you, soon you'll find the steady confidence to sleep in a storm.


Creating 2022


Doubt: A Friend or Foe?