About Me

I'm Isabel, a History graduate and content creator. I believe everyone is created to create, and I hope you'll join me on this journey šŸš€

I'm currently:

  • ā³ Looking for my next adventure after studying History + Youth Work at NTU, Singapore. Rather interesting combination I know; buy me a coffee and I'd tell you all about school life.

  • šŸ“ Writing financial and real estate content for a digital agency, and designing social media posts for my faculty. Iā€™m open to taking on freelance work as well, so if you wish to work with me, go ahead and drop me an email.

  • šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Volunteering with a local NGO, where I support youths seeking mental health treatment.

  • āœšŸ¼ On this website, I write about these few things I'm passionate about: faith, creativity and productivity.

Do make yourself at home! I hope some of my content speaks to you in one way or another :)

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