7 weeks of school

We’re on the cusp of recess week now and it’s pretty insane how it’s already been seven weeks of school; I genuinely feel like we just started. Honestly, I’m just here writing this to count my blessings of being able to be in school and in the company of my friends.

I didn’t think school would feel this 'normal' with the covid still a thing in Singapore but I’m thankful that there is still a large sense of normalcy. It takes more effort to make things work and there are so many things I miss, like being able to go for buffets in large groups. But 7 weeks in and I’m still rather sane, to my surprise.

The main challenge has been keeping in touch with friends that I don’t see often, especially so with more things going online. And since we’re back to, what phase, 2? 2.5? next week, it’s gonna be even harder. I’ve been still adequately feeling loved but the fact that I have so few people to give love to actually makes me feel jittery.

My usual routine would be meeting friends at least once a week, and have at least one meal or conversation with a classmate everyday. I do miss all of that, and I can only pray that things will take a turn for the better in God’s time. Again though, I know I have been incredibly blessed and I am not taking anything for granted.

At the end of the day, it’s the quality of the time spent that matters over hours of shallow talk (that’s why it’s called quality time right). While I definitely agree, I think my reservoir of love and care to give out are still quite high and I have no space to store them. I’ve even been starting to go on runs just to expel the extra energy.

So here we are, with recess week ahead of us. Shoutout to my bunch of friends who have made school enjoyable as always thus far this semester. I am extremely grateful to each one, and although the fate of physical lessons hang in the balance, let’s keep our spirits up.

It’s a weird limbo season of technically-can-go-out-but-cannot-really-meet. May we have the grace to get through this together!! Cheers to recess and to my fellow undergrads, grind hard but play harder.


Review: Unstoppable

