
We’ve all looked at celebrities, athletes and influencers and wondered if their personal lives are any different from the image they portray in public. And while these may be extreme examples, I think many of us have thought about our own lives and how there are many facets of ourselves and how we choose the things we show to the world. Well, at least I have.

Anyway, I recently watched a YouTube video talking about the issue of authenticity and whether or not it is worth fretting about the different versions of ourselves that we show when we are giving a formal presentation for example, versus when we are hanging out with close friends.

Of course the contexts from my above illustration are vastly different; after all manners and professionalism exist for a reasons. But I think what’s I’m narrowing on here is really our unique personalities, and whether we should 'exaggerate' them.

Thing is, I feel it is okay to try to bring out your personality a little more when online, like when creating a video, write an article or anything really that you do to put yourself out there. If you do media-related stuff, you’ll know that you need to put extra effort to bring out the makeup, or portray an emotion accurately.

Notice I said to bring out, and not fake it (even till you make it). I acknowledge it does take an incredible amount of courage, and most of all, practice to find your own confidence and voice. But I think this is the kind of challenge I wanna rise to, and also part of the reason I started blogging here in the first place.

I think it’s the fear of being judged as flashy and overboard that holds so many people back from trying new things and putting themselves out there. I guess all I wanna drive home in this post is that don’t be afraid of not being authentic, which I think you’ll be fine as long as you don’t try too hard.

So go chase your dreams and don’t let fear hold you back⚡


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