Can "Callings" be Changed?

Seasons change as we grow up. That’s just a fact, and over the years I realised it does me way better to embrace the ebbs and flows, and the highs and lows.

It’s not uncommon for a young person to "switch interests" or have their paths diverge. I used to be very against this idea, thinking that if you have set your mind to something then you jolly well see it to fruition. But that’s not always possible.

There are obstacles along the way that call for flexibility and adaptability to change. Sure they might be a hassle and all, but I think they are necessary for growth. It’s through these times that you really find out about yourself, and what you are capable of.

Then there are those things in life that happen unexpectedly, but out of which you gain an 'aha!' moment and realise that you just opened up a new door for yourself. Those are truly the magical moments, cos you are presented with a choice: shy away or chase the rainbow.

Taking a pivot would probably not be easy, given that you would already have amassed substantial volumes of time and effort pursing something that you thought was gonna be 'it'. But who knows, you’ll even be able to combine the best of both old and new worlds someday?

Guess what I am trying to say is, don’t be afraid of trying new things or letting go of old ones. More often than not, it does not mean you have to ditch the stuff that brought you to this day. After all, you are the sum of your past experiences.

And no, I don't mean that God made a mistake if your "calling changed". Rather, each season serves a unique purpose in our lives, and our primary callings to love God and love others will not change anyway.

We’re only young once, and I hope that every young person will dare to explore all that this world has to offer. One thing leads to the next, and soon you will look back and either smile at the memories or regret the wasted years big time.

It’s scary yet so exciting to grow up, but we’re all in this together and I cannot wait to see what’s in store for us.




Throw out your work-life balance.