
I remember telling my counsellor that I was doing a spiritual 'adulting’ series for my cell group programme, and she looked very amused at this new word she learnt from me.

If you’re unfamiliar, adulting means, well, to adult. To grow up, and more specifically learn the life skills that are expected of adults, like learning to pay bills, how to apply for a flat, navigating the working world and so on. I first heard of this word from my older friends in church, and I guess especially in recent times, I have been engaging with this topic quite a bit.

Early this year, I was tasked to facilitate a support group as part of a class project under my youth work minor. My group had decided to talk about adulting, hence we delved into finance, friendships, BGR and stress management.

The facilitation part of the experience is a story for another time, but talking about it with peers in the university context was refreshing. Everyone shared candidly and it reminded me that while we are having fun, we are also navigating through many transitions. So, it doesn’t hurt to be kind to one another even in a silent show of support.

Fast forward a few months, and I started my journey in my new cell strong talking about a spiritual adulting. It took me awhile to realise it, but coincidentally (or not) enough, the topics we covered were exactly the same. And if that’s not mind-blowing enough, they were in almost the exact same order. Guess now I know why this was a breeze, since I myself facilitated an adulting series before.

As a member this time round and with God in the picture, this adulting series added another layer of understanding and perhaps nuance to my perspectives on this topic. Of course, thinking is good but action is best, and I’m glad to say that I’ve been conscious of how I apply the key takeaways each week. The biggest example? My (not so) new side hustle servicing the financial sector. There is so much to learn, and it’s just the beginning.

But the biggest point to remember is that as I look at the Zoom screens over the course of both runs, it is evident that everyone is committed to going through unchartered waters together. The voyage will be long, but we’ll be fine.

Excited for the release of the new Adulting Guidebook 3.0 by my FA friends too! Really respect the hustle.


7 weeks of school


Review: Off The Clock