NEW: Book Review Series

If you asked me one month ago if I’d not only have a blog, but also use it to write book reviews, I would have hastily ridiculed you. But this has quickly become my reality indeed, and I am beyond excited to embark on this journey of sharing good reads with whoever would bother to read.

After listening to many YouTubers go on about how reading has changed their lives for the better, I thought that I just had to try it myself. Apparently it seems, reading non-fiction and carefully selected fiction has the ability to expand your worldview, stretch your mind and give you new perspectives on life. Not that I did not already know the benefits of a good read, but I guess I just needed that extra push to pick up a book for leisure again.

I’ve been thinking about how reading and writing about what I read can specifically help in my academic life. Personally, I am not someone with very strong opinions. At least not immediately when presented with a issue. I also find it difficult to structure my essays, plus ensuring my professors what I am trying to say. So by practicing in a non-stressful setting like here on this blog, I will hopefully somehow transfer a part of this intuitiveness and writing flow to my schoolwork.

That said, it's not easy for a humanities student like myself who stereotypically is supposed to love to read, but is unable to do so because of the insane amount of compulsory reading piled upon us. In fact, one of my goals last semester was to have 15 minutes of self-development reading everyday, but that plan died after Week 4. Since it's summer, I literally have no excuse so, here we go (again).

I see myself mostly reading non-fiction, and I have a wish list of quite a few books about productivity and creativity. Which, I guess, is in line with what this blog is mostly about too. I’ll try to keep things concise and also relatable + personable. I’m looking at publishing at least one book review a month, although my reading goal is two books a month. It’s gonna be a huge challenge and I can say straight up that I am going to lose motivation in three months. But if that’s the case, why announce this to the whole world?

Just because habit breeds motivation, and not the other way around.

By three months, I would have a habit going.

And I won’t have to rely on the motivation of novelty anymore.

With that, I’m just gonna take the plunge. I’ve already written my first review and i can’t wait to publish that :) If you have any book recommendations please shoot me a DM. I reply everyone by the end of each day, unlike some of my pals *coughs* jokes I still love y’all.


Review: The Unfair Advantage


I was afraid of money